Showing posts with label Passing the Environmental Planning Board Exam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passing the Environmental Planning Board Exam. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Passing the Environmental Planner Board Exam

A few minutes before four o’clock in the afternoon on June 13, 2017, I refreshed the PRC website and after some hours of waiting, lo and behold, names finally appeared right before the screen of my laptop computer. At first were the surnames that start in letter A, then I hurriedly scrolled down to C and yes, I found my name on it, among the successful examinees for the Board Exam for Environmental Planner.

I told my officemates and my mayor excitedly about the good news. They were all happy for me. I sent text messages to my sisters, my brother and closest friends to share my happiness with them. Then, I reactivated my fb account which I have promised myself to do it only once the good result comes out. By the way, I deactivated my fb account as early as January of this year so I can study more without any distractions from social media. In the following minutes and hours, greetings flooded my timeline.

For me, it was catharsis. It is as if I have just got out from a long dark tunnel after being there for a number of months.

My rating is 77.85. The passing rate is 70. For this year the ratings of those on the top 5 spots were from 82 to 80. I am so very happy for my rating as I have just done self-review for this year. I am not even sure if I got the entire set of planning books/manuals and laws to read. I would have wished I was not alone in my study. Of course, it is always good to have a partner or a group whom you can discuss the topics with.

I only decided to take the exam when the result of the 2016 Exam came out though I have attended a formal EnP Refresher Course in 2015. I started reading manuals and laws since then. During seminars for planning officers, I would talk with previous passers who were very much generous to me in sharing their review materials and in telling me what the exam is all about, its coverage. All their inputs have all stick in my mind. 

I enumerated below some of my review strategies. Hope this will help you in making your own:

1.    First of all, fall in love with the EnP as a profession. My undergrad course is political science which for me is very relevant to Environmental Planning. Yes, we have subjects like the Philippine Constitution, Local Government Code and Public Administration which occupy a big part in the exam but that was many years ago to remember. What keeps me on with EnP is because I have been working as planning officer in the local government unit for the last six years. Hence, my understanding of the entire job of an EnP is not new to me. Apart from reading the materials, I also watched the lectures and speeches of urban planners in the country. I also watched TEDx lectures in urban planning and design in Youtube. Doing so, made me fell in love more with the EnP as a noble profession.

2.    Read. Read. Read. Never get tired of reading all the materials. Do not underestimate any of it. The exam is so extensive. The questions are just coming from everywhere. Find time to read. In my case, I read only at night and during Saturdays and Sundays as my hands are always full in the office during workdays.

3.    Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. I have read thrice or more all the CLUP Guidebooks, Local Government Code, Rationalized Planning System by Professor Serote, DILG’s CDP Manual and all planning-related laws. I cannot even count how many times I have read the power-point lectures. Remember this; never rely on review-questionnaire. The members of the Board are just simply good in crafting questions not found in the review-questionnaire. I only got hold and answer a review-questionnaire only a week or two before the examination date.

4.    Make a workplan and stick to it. This is very important in keeping you on track.

5.    Visit often some fb accounts like Environmental Planner Review, Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners and UP Plano. Look for some exam tips and strategies at These accounts have been very helpful to me.

6.    Enroll in a formal review course. If it is not possible due to distance, UP Plano can share their review materials for a very minimal fee.

7.    Pray a lot because at the end of the day all will depend on God’s mercy. Say novenas to your saint-protector. And when you pray, purify your intention why you want to pursue this profession. Always remember that you are doing this in the service of the people and for the greater glory of God.

         Below are my work-plans that I have observed since I started my one-year study/review for EnP Board Exam.

Data Source
1.    CLUP Guidebooks, RPS, CDP,EcoProf
All Planning-related Laws
(LGC, Consti, Land, Housing, Envi Laws, others)
June-August 2016
2.    Planning History, Concepts, Theories and Principles, Land Use Planning

September 15-30, 2016
3.    Comprehensive Land Use Plan
-       Module 1
-       Module 2
-       Module 3
-       Planning Standards
4.    - Supplemental (CDRA)
CLUP Guidebook

October 1 – 31, 2016
5.    Comprehensive Development Plan/Rationalized Planning System with Mainstreaming of CCA/DRR
Prof. Serrote
November 1 – 20, 2016
6.    CLUP Module 2 Workshop, Calbayog
November 21-25, 2016
7.    Sectoral Planning
November 26-30, 2016
8.    Environmental and other Related Laws
December 1-31, 2016 to January 31, 2017

Data Source
1. Environmental Planning Laws
January 1-31, 2017
2. Planning History, Concepts, Theories and Principles, Land Use Planning, International Agreements

CLUP Module 3 (Ciriaco)

February 1-28, 2017

February 20-24, 2017
3. Ecoprofiling, Comprehensive Development Plan/Rationalized Planning System with Mainstreaming of CCA/DRR
Module 2
- Planning Standards
- Supplemental (CDRA)
- Local Government Code
- Statistics

March 1-31, 2017
4. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Module 1
- Module 3
- Area Planning
Asean Integration
Laudato Si
International Agreements
CLUP Guidebooks

April 1-31, 2017
5. Reviewers/

May 1 – 30, 2017

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Diagnostic Test
March 31
Area 1 (History, Concepts Theories, Principles)
April 1 – 5, 2017
Area 2 (Plan Processes, Techniques and Strategies)
April 6 – 15, 2017
Area 3 (Plan Implementation, Legal and Admin)
April 16 – 30, 2017
Diagnostic Test
April 30, 2017
All Areas
May 1-15, 2017
Area 1
May 16-19, 2017
Area 2
May 20 – 25, 2017
Area 3
May 26 – 31, 2017
June 1 – 5, 2017
Day of Prayer
June 6, 2017
JUNE 7-8, 2017

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